Friday, April 1, 2011

Finished Everything!

Final Cover!

I changed quite alot to make my final cover for my music magazine. I have edited the bar code at the bottom of the cover so that its not copyrighted and to make it my own. I edited numbers and letters so that it was unique. I decided to use one image for the whole of the cover as opposed to a two toned background gradient.

For the image on my cover, I was going to use a picture of my model face on but I decided that this image looked much more casual and fun so it was the best one for my magazie cover because I wanted it to be casual.

I am happy with my finished cover. I like the colours, the layout and the image.

Final Contents page!

For my final contents page, I changed the colour of some of the writing because you couldn't see it properly on the black backgroundand I think having some of the writing in white as well as black looks better anyway. I like the layout I've used, the way the images overlap looks good in my opinion. They give you an idea of what or who the magazine is mainly about.

I've made sure that the amount of pages in my magazine is divisible by four because they are double page spreads and double sided so the magazine will have to be divisible by four so it uncludes the front cover and the back as well.

I have also included fashion pages in my magazine because my typical audience is also interested in fashion and that would make them want to buy this magazine more.

Final Double Page Spread!

I had to add in a page number that matched the contents page so that it looked like a real magazine. I also moved some of the pictures slightly so that they were all in line with each other and the writing.

I think my double page spread looks very professional because of the colours and the layout. I'm very proud of my imges that I have taken, they haven't been edited at all and I still think they look amazing! I made the writing slightly smaller than it was originally so that I could fit more writing onto the pages.

I am pleased with my overall product. I think it looks a lot more professional than I thought it would in the end. I am happy with all the colours and layouts of every page. If I had to do this again, the only thing that I think I would change would probably be the amount of time I spent on each page. I think I should have spent a little less time on the contents and front cover because they took me the longest out of all but I am pleased with the final product.

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